Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Right Wing - Mr. Scott is not so hostile, but still missing the point

Here's James Scott's latest reply to me:

Here is the text you sent:"Or at least a lot of people truly believe that these days. That one seemed to have worked. Stupid stupid people." (This was your insult towards people who know of Lt. Colonel North's hearings..) And those comments are deserving of the same! "Even McCain is having to rebut it to his followers...(although it seems ok for Palin to keep inferring that he "PALS around with Terrorist.") Ugh. So tired of this stuff."Again, your words, facts are something you may not be interested in but should be available...

WILLIAM AYERS is not someone many would have as a Professor at a college, apparently you feel differently. That is you and BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA and his pals, like LOUIS FARRAKHAN, JEREMIAH WRIGHT and PFELGER. MORE HATE AMERICA CRAP...Read Dinish D'Souza's book, here is a Muslim telling us why they hate us! The main reason Muslims hate us, according to this Muslim is our lack of Religious Conviction or Adherence, that and our lack of morals...oh yes and we are not yet a Islamic Nation, much to Louis Farrakhan's dismay and others.

"check it out before you pass it on. If you can't verify it, don't pass it on." I would challange you to do the same.

As for how to read Lt. Colonel North's Congressional testimony, you are on the right track, if I locate the manuscript, with my work schedule before you, I'll be more than happy to forward. And by the way, it doesn't seem a little odd to you that no one is a little concerned with national security, not even McCain, that they would at least ask the man about this reality. They pound other politicans on everything and this is completely overlooked. No I am not comfortable without questions and answers, not at this time in our history and the war Radical Islam has wagged on all of the world. I wish I could say it has been nice speaking to you but the indignation of being called stupid brings out my disdain for those perverting truth, and I have no recourse but to stand for truth.

Call me what you may, but to us you are the very, very scary don't recognize terrorist from within, another good read "Enemy from Within" by Dinesh D'Souza. Book reference to the testimony is "Taking the Stand", which by the way, I believe he did not receive loyalities from because it is Public Record. I see your preference is the Obama ticket with the blessings of the Leader of the Nation of Islam, Louis Farrakhan and the "God damn America" pastor of Obama, Mr. Jeremiah Wright. Very impressive also is the self proclaimed terrorist William Ayers, still standing on the flag of the United States of America on the cover of his last book in what 2001. Yea this is what I look for in the President of the United States!!!

Let's just agree to disagree, if you want truth the book is still available and my guess is, still part of our Public Records, at least today.

I'm a tax-paying, hard working, bitter gun owner too...Proud to be voting against Barack Hussein Obama. STAND FOR SOMETHING OR FALL FOR ANYTHING.


Here's what I had to say in reply:

Mr. Scott,

Let me say that I appreciate the reduction in anger in your tone. It was truly uncalled for in your previous emails, and I do not believe that I have been that way toward you or any others who believe differently than me.

Yes, I do believe that anyone who believes that Obama is an ARAB and a TERRORIST which is what I said - are stupid stupid people. He is neither. Yet there are many people, like the one McCain corrected when that comment was made, who seem to believe this because they have heard it repeated over and over...

My email with information disputing what you sent regarding Oliver North, and my comments about Obama only made reference to passing on incorrect or untrue statements. (As compared to you venomous rampage with questionable accusations - at best - made in your response.)

I too have a distain for those preventing the truth or distributing lies and falsehoods - which is why I referenced calling Obama an Arab and a terrorist. I didn't call YOU stupid in the original email – although maybe you must have just taken it personal because you DO believe him to be both Arab and a terrorist.

You also clearly believe the exaggerations of the Ayers connections. From what I have seen and read, Obama has not denied these connections, and made full disclosure of what they were, but that is not enough for those who don't agree with his ideology or campaign, as there continue to be many implications that imply that it is more than he has stated.

It has been documented (as well as agreed to by Obama) that the connection is limited to a few occasions/situations.

Here is what is documented: (Please provide factual documentation that indicates the relationship is more than this.)

Ayers hosted a meet the candidate in his home and gave a $200 contribution to his campaign when Obama ran for Senate – AND they were both on two charity boards. (And they live in the same neighborhood - big deal.)

The Charitable boards they worked on jointly were the Woods Fund, and the Annenberg Challenge Project - which by the way was funded by Nixon Ambassador and Reagan friend Walter Annenberg. Republican Governor Jim Edgar, who wrote to Walter Annenberg to encourage the creation of the Challenge, joined Mayor Daley to announce the formation of the Challenge and his administration continued to work closely on education reform with the Board. John McCain has praised an initiative funded by the Challenge. The Challenge's work is still carried on today through to the bipartisan Chicago Public Education Fund, which coordinates closely Chicago Public Schools CEO Arne Duncan and Mayor Daley to improve teacher performance and has included such board members as Illinois Republican Party Chair Andrew McKenna - Hardly a liberal group of supporters would you say?

I have not seen anything other than accusations that the relationship goes further than that.

One could also claim that McCain pals around with terrorists in the same way as has been asserted by you and others:

G. Gordon Liddy hosted a fundraiser in his own home for McCain's senatorial re-election campaign (giving $4,000 then, and another $1000 this year for his presidential run) The two have posed for photographs together; and as recently as May, 2007. As a presidential candidate, McCain was recently the a guest on Liddy's syndicated radio show.

McCain actually heaped praise on his values, saying that he was "proud" of Liddy, and praised Liddy's "adherence to the principles and philosophies that keep our nation great." Which values does he praise??

During the same period that Bill Ayers was a member of the Weather Underground, Gordon Liddy has acknowledged preparing to kill someone during the Ellsberg break-in "if necessary"; plotting to murder journalist Jack Anderson; plotting with a "gangland figure" to murder Howard Hunt to stop him from cooperating with investigators; plotting to firebomb the Brookings Institution; and plotting to kidnap "leftist guerillas" at the 1972 Republican National Convention -- a plan he outlined to the Nixon administration. (The murder, firebombing, and kidnapping plots were never carried out; the break-ins were.) These are things he ADMITS to.

During the 1990s, Liddy also reportedly instructed his radio audience on multiple occasions on how to shoot Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms agents.

This is a person McCain admires and is proud of?

McCain's comments about his friendship with Liddy is this (on David Letterman last week): "I know Gordon Liddy. He paid his debt. He went to prison, he paid his debt, as people do. I'm not in any way embarrassed to know Gordon Liddy."

This to me sounds like the pot calling the kettle black my friend.

McCain recently condemned an add regarding Obama's connection with the Rev. Jeremiah Wright and he has publicly asked state party leaders to take it off the air.

(Quoting his response) Again, your words, facts are something you may not be interested in but should be available...WILLIAM AYERS is not someone many would have as a Professor at a college, apparently you feel differently. That is you and BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA and his pals, like LOUIS FARRAKHAN, JEREMIAH WRIGHT and PFELGER. MORE HATE AMERICA CRAP...Read Dinish D'Souza's book, here is a Muslim telling us why they hate us! The main reason Muslims hate us, according to this Muslim is our lack of Religious Conviction or Adherence, that and our lack of morals...oh yes and we are not yet a Islamic Nation, much to Louis Farrakhan's dismay and others.

First of all, there is no need to reference books regarding how much we are hated by the Radical Islamic Muslims. I would ALSO agree that the Radical Islamic Muslims do hate us, and will always be a threat to our country.

That does not mean ALL Muslims are terrorists, so I do hope you are not bigoted in that assumption being inferred by many. And while you may believe your religion is the only religion, and those who aren't a part of it are damned to hell… this is a free country (one reason we are the best country in the world) so I would also hope that you do not hold judgment over any who have different beliefs.

I will be honest, I have not gotten to researching the Farrakhan's or Pfelger's connection…but I will. Again, I welcome factual reference to the connections you infer.

Secondly, I would not take any classes from Ayers, nor do I support the acts he committed in the past, but having associations with people who we don't agree with happens to us all. And if I DID take a class from him, it certainly wouldn't make ME a terrorist. I have personally been on school boards with MANY people I disagreed with, and currently work with Board members I personally detest, but it does not align me with them or their beliefs. Can you for a moment see how that could possibly be the case with Obama?

(Quoting his response) check it out before you pass it on. If you can't verify it, don't pass it on. I would challange you to do the same.

What had I not verified in the first email I sent? While you may not like the references I used, I HAD researched story…you included nothing to confirm the allegations in your original post regarding the Oliver North Osama connection…

However you were very quick to insinuate that you HAD read the testimony in the Library of Congress records implying that anyone who hadn't done so is a moron - quite uncalled for, rude.., and hypocritical I might add. (FYI, I did see the book "Taking the Stand" listed at the library records, but it was not available, and none of my local book stores had it, as it is out of print - but I was making every attempt to find it sans buying it online.) Nonetheless, even the Senate website disputes the claim, so what more do you need? Or do you think there is a conspiracy to hide the truth even there in some way?

(Quoting his response) the "God damn America" pastor... I'm a tax-paying, hard working, bitter gun owner too...Proud to be voting against Barack Hussein Obama. STAND FOR SOMETHING OR FALL FOR ANYTHING.

As for "God damn America" - I believe that Ms Palin's support of the Alaskan Independence Party should be equally un patriotic and un American. No ,she is not currently a member, (though there are reports that she and her husband were members in 1994 - but I have not found more than an ABC report quoting the parties secretary at the time making the claim) but she herself said a video for the Alaska Independence Party convention that she "shares their parties vision...".

Part of their platform (according to their website) is to "seek the complete repatriation of the public lands, held by the federal government, to the state and people of Alaska in conformance with Article 1, Section 8, Clause 17, of the federal constitution....and To prohibit all bureaucratic regulations and judicial rulings purporting to have the effect of law, except that which shall be approved by the elected legislature." which in a nutshell, they advocate that the 49th state declare itself a sovereign nation. And party representatives have been quoted as saying they have "no use for America or her damned institutions," and in their own words puts Alaska, not "country," first?

Being a gun owner is great – we all have that right – to which I ALSO agree – being a bitter gun owner is scary.

We can agree to disagree, because clearly we believe different information sources – and nothing will probably change that – but I DO welcome factual information – not allegations - about the claims you make.

And let me also say, that while your original email was quite hostile and in my opinion inflammatory, the exchange has been educational probably for both of us – which is a good thing.

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